Maggie Kubisky

Maggie Kubisky Shopkins Collection

Started tracking their Shopkins Collection online 5 years ago.

This collector has a total of 70 Shopkins,and helped add 1 Collector Notes .

Maggie Kubisky Shopkins Collections consist of Shopkins from 9 Seasons,19 Teams,5 Finishes, and4 Rarities.

Shopkins By Team

Maggie Kubisky's Shopkins Collections consist of 70 Shopkins from 9 Seasons,19 Teams,5 Finishes, and4 Rarities.

This collection has 62 unique shopkins and 8 duplicate shopkins.

Shopkin NameShopkin Team
Barb B QueGarden
Barb B QueGarden
Bottle PopExclusive
Bridgette BagdotFrench Adventure
Bubble CupcakeExclusive
Carol CrackerThe Crackertons
Celina CrepeFrench Adventure
Celina CrepeFrench Adventure
Cheeky ChocolateCharms
Cheeky Chocolatex2Charms
Choc Mint CharlieExclusive
Chocky BoxExclusive
Cornell Mustardx4Pantry
Cornell MustardPantry
Cupcake ChicCharms
Cute BootShoes
Dishy LiquidCleaning & Laundry
Dum Mee MeeCharms
Ella Tower CakeFrench Adventure
Ella Tower CakeFrench Adventure
Fluffy SouffleFrench Adventure
Fluffy SouffleFrench Adventure
Frank FurterParty Food
Gabriella Grapex2French Adventure
Gabriella Grapex2French Adventure
Garlic RoseFruit and Veg
Helen MelonThe Melonseeds
Jelly BSweet Treats
Kooky CookieCharms
Kooky CookieCharms
Kris P LettuceExclusive
Le'quoriceSweet Treats
Little TeapotCupcake
Lizzy Lace-upShoes
Maddie MaskFancy Dress Party
Mr. MuffinCupcake
Patti PolishExclusive
Patty CakeBakery
Patty PamCupcake
Pauline PaletteFrench Adventure
Pauline PaletteFrench Adventure
Peta PlanterGarden
Pretty Cake StandCupcake
Rainbow BiteParty Food
Sneaky SallyShoes
Spilt MilkDairy
Strawberry KissCharms
Strawberry KissCharms
Sugar LumpPantry
Suzie SushiInternational Food
Suzie SushiInternational Food
Swiss Rollx2Cupcake
Toasty PopHomewares
Wanda WaferExclusive
Woody Garden Chairx2Garden