Emaya Gillispie

Emaya Gillispie Shopkins Collection

Started tracking their Shopkins Collection online 4 years ago.

This collector has a total of 10 Shopkins, and helped add 2 Collector Notes .

Emaya Gillispie Shopkins Collections consist of Shopkins from 2 Seasons, 8 Teams, 4 Finishes, and 4 Rarities.

Shopkins By Team

Emaya Gillispie's Shopkins Collections consist of 10 Shopkins from 2 Seasons, 8 Teams, 4 Finishes, and 4 Rarities.

This collection has 10 unique shopkins and 0 duplicate shopkins.

Shopkin Name Shopkin Team
Berry Sweet Pancakes Breakfast
Choc Chips Sweets
Fish Flake Jake Petkins
Milly Mushroom Fruit and Veg
Pappa Pizza Base Family Food
Tammy Tv Homewares
Teena Catfood Petshop
Tegan Tea Breakfast
V. Nilla Tubs Breakfast
Vicki Vanilla Bakery