Rosmarie Hudak

Rosmarie Hudak Shopkins Collection

Started tracking their Shopkins Collection online 4 years ago.

This collector has a total of 36 Shopkins,and helped add 1 Collector Notes .

Rosmarie Hudak Shopkins Collections consist of Shopkins from 8 Seasons,15 Teams,4 Finishes, and4 Rarities.

Shopkins By Team

Rosmarie Hudak's Shopkins Collections consist of 36 Shopkins from 8 Seasons,15 Teams,4 Finishes, and4 Rarities.

This collection has 35 unique shopkins and 1 duplicate shopkins.

Shopkin NameShopkin Team
Apple BlossomFruit and Veg
Bertha BathHomewares
Bonnie BeretHats
Candy AppleExclusive
Casper CapHats
Claire ChairHomewares
Comfy ChairHomewares
Corny CobFruit and Veg
Cupcake ChicBakery
Cupcake ChicBakery
Cute Fruit JelloSweet Treats
D'lish DonutBakery
D'lish DonutExclusive
Ginger FredSweet Treats
Hattie HatHats
Hillary HarpMusic
Jessie Dressing GownExclusive
Lana Banana Breadx2Bakery
Lana Banana BreadBakery
Lidia LoungeSummer Pool Party
Linda Layered CakeBakery
Little TeapotCupcake
Lola Roller BladeSport
Maria MopedItalian Tour
Olive Overnight BagExclusive
Penny Wishing WellGarden
Penny Wishing WellGarden
Suzie SushiInternational Food
Sweet PeaFruit and Veg
Taco TerrieInternational Food
Tocky Cuckoo ClockGerman Jet Set
Wendy Wedding CakeBakery