Classic Finish Shopkins

1477 Shopkins

There are 1477 Shopkins with a Classic Finish

Page 34 of 124

#5-075 - Ollie Orange Cake - Rare

Ollie Orange Cake

#5-076 - Mel T Moment - Common

Mel T Moment

#5-077 - Jilly Jam Roll - Common

Jilly Jam Roll

#5-078 - Creamy Cookie Cupcake - Rare

Creamy Cookie Cupcake

#5-079 - Linda Layered Cake - Rare

Linda Layered Cake

#5-082 - Cute Fruit Jello - Rare

Cute Fruit Jello

#5-083 - Sprinkle Lee Cake - Common

Sprinkle Lee Cake

#5-085 - Ice Cream Kate - Common

Ice Cream Kate

#5-056 - Lynn Lamp - Common

Lynn Lamp

#5-090 - Cute Fruit Jello - Rare

Cute Fruit Jello

#5-091 - Sprinkle Lee Cake - Common

Sprinkle Lee Cake

#5-093 - Ice Cream Kate - Common

Ice Cream Kate


Ollie Orange Cake#5-075

a Rare Season 5
Bakery Team Shopkin
with a Classic Finish.

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