The Season 5

Exclusive Team

139 Shopkins

The Exclusive Team has a total of 490 Shopkins

Page 7 of 12

#SHS-030 - Bottle Pop - Exclusive

Bottle Pop

#SHS-031 - Yummy Gummi Ring - Exclusive

Yummy Gummi Ring

#SHS-032 - Choc Kiss - Exclusive

Choc Kiss

#SHS-033 - Tootsie Cutie - Exclusive

Tootsie Cutie

#SHS-037 - Asbury Raspberry - Exclusive

Asbury Raspberry

#SHS-038 - Le'quorice - Exclusive


#SHS-039 - Wrapper T - Exclusive

Wrapper T

#SHS-041 - Lola Lollipop - Exclusive

Lola Lollipop

#SHS-044 - Le'quorice - Exclusive


#SHS-050 - Minnie Mintie - Exclusive

Minnie Mintie

#SHS-000 - Pumpkinella - Exclusive


#SHS-001 - Marshmallow Twirl - Exclusive

Marshmallow Twirl


Bottle Pop #SHS-030

a Exclusive Season 5
Exclusive Team Shopkin
with a Classic Finish.

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